So, not really the end. I've wanted to see them since I first heard "Keep the Car Running" in my ex-boyfriends car. I played the song on repeat because I loved it so much. Then I listened to their first record, Funeral, and literally heard magic. How can a band be this good? It was then and there in the car that I added Arcade Fire to my list, bucket list if you will, of bands I must see before I die. The only remaining bands are Modest Mouse, The Decemberists, and The Smiths. We all know that last one will never happen. So, just the two for now. I am lucky enough to have seen most of my concert bucket list in college. But last Saturday night at the whatever-it's-called-now arena in Dallas, I marked them off. And they may never be topped.
Y'all, I was on the second row. I've never been that close at a concert in my life. AND Win Butler's hand grazed mine as he walked across the guardrails.
They sang all my favorite songs, and I even fell in love with Regine. Who I thought I hated. I don't. I love her.
I may have died from all the awesomeness and then came back to life when they ended the show with "Wake Up."
I really just can't find words to express how much I loved this show.
The End.