Here are the things I want to say.
I have been sad, really really sad. Last Sunday and Monday it all came out. I talked about it and the tears just kept coming and coming and coming. I guess sometimes you just gotta get all out. Cleanse yourself, right? I hope I just cried all that sadness away. And the worst part? I didn't know what I was so sad about.
I have some of the best friends -- ever, and I have some of the shittiest ones. This weekend I shared it with my favorite friends. From eating, to drunkenly laughing over Victoria's Secret and dry erase boards, to sitting through Dream Girls, to making fun of Saints fans, to laying in bed listening to the rain. Everything about this weekend was just perfect, and it's not of what I did -- just who I did it with, as always.
Also, I can't wait for me and Patrick to live in the same city-- if that day will ever come. I can't wait until the weekend where we don't have to say goodbye on a Sunday. It breaks my heart a little bit each Sunday when we hug goodbye. Just a few more months I tell myself until he graduates. A few short months. In my eyes, he is the most amazing person I know. I love him so, so much.
I love you two. The two of you.
Also, I love you, too.
Don't be sad- Friday night was amazing! Love you!
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