This is the fifth,
FIFTH Valentine's Day we have spent together, and it's the first one as a married couple!

I don't remember every single Valentine's Day we have had, but a few do come to mind. I believe the first one you cooked dinner for me, bought and built a table for us to eat it on, and gave me the key to your (soon to be our) apartment. Then there was the one (last year?) where we went to Chianti's and felt super cheesy about eating at an Italian restaurant on the big V-Day. We made fun of all of the sappy couples, including the one table with the fedora and the skin tight dress. I do recall seeing an adorable older couple there that night that looked just as in love as the day they met. Every time I see older couples, whether they are enjoying a dinner together, dancing at a wedding, or just at the grocery store, I always hope we make it that far. Because honestly, Aaron, I can't imagine going through life without you - as dramatic and emo as that sounds. You make me laugh every day, you put my problems first, and you always support me in ways I could never repay you for.

I know 2013 has started out pretty stressful, but I am just so lucky that I get to go through it as your wife. And as everyone says, I don't need a silly Hallmark holiday to tell you I love you, I really don't, but I do want to take this day to write you this note and tell you that you mean the world to me. You are my favorite person ever. And I am so thankful I get to spend all my days with you.
Thank you for loving me and for making this lucky girl Mrs. Aaron David Harris.
Your Wifey Valentine Honey Bear