Nov 15, 2007


Did you see Grey's Anatomy tonight?

You know one of the last scenes when Izzy walks into her house and George is sitting there? And she and George say something like this:

Izzy: I'm in love with this incredible guy, and we are having problems. And my best friend, he would know what to say to me about it. I need to be able to talk to my best friend.
George: Why isn't this easier?
Izzy: I don't know.
George: Well, I want my best friend back.
Izzy: Me too.

I know exactly how that feels. Exactly. I'm sure most people know what that is like.

The thing is that while it really sucks, you make a new best friend. You find a new person. Not right away, and it takes a couple of tries, but you do.

You make it. Just give it some time.

But sometimes you still just want your best friend back. And that's ok. Time will heal that, too.

Nov 4, 2007

see, smell, hear, taste ...

There are a lot of pros and cons to being single. Sure, I am probably going to save a few hundred or so dollars at Christmas time. And, yeah, I don't have to worry about feeling guilty if I flirt with another guy.

And most of the cons I am fine with. Driving myself home after going out. Solution: talk on the phone or put on some really good music. Not sharing a bed. Solution: pile some pillows and cuddle up, or just spread out becuase I get the entire bed to myself.

But there is one con that is really bothering me. I blame it on my addiction of Pushing Daises and the one thing Ned and Chuck cannot do: touch.

No one touches me. No one hugs me on a regular basis. I don't have any hands to hold. I don't have any one to play with my hair. I don't have anyone to scratch my back after a long day. No one to lean on when my back hurts. I miss the invasion of personal space.

Come invade. Come scratch my back. Come hold my hand.

no, no, no

Do you ever feel like you are just fooling everyone? That one day they are bound to catch on?

Yeah, me too.

I am the sober Amy Winehouse in a second life. I was born to wear that much eyeliner.