Nov 4, 2007

see, smell, hear, taste ...

There are a lot of pros and cons to being single. Sure, I am probably going to save a few hundred or so dollars at Christmas time. And, yeah, I don't have to worry about feeling guilty if I flirt with another guy.

And most of the cons I am fine with. Driving myself home after going out. Solution: talk on the phone or put on some really good music. Not sharing a bed. Solution: pile some pillows and cuddle up, or just spread out becuase I get the entire bed to myself.

But there is one con that is really bothering me. I blame it on my addiction of Pushing Daises and the one thing Ned and Chuck cannot do: touch.

No one touches me. No one hugs me on a regular basis. I don't have any hands to hold. I don't have any one to play with my hair. I don't have anyone to scratch my back after a long day. No one to lean on when my back hurts. I miss the invasion of personal space.

Come invade. Come scratch my back. Come hold my hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J- that's a sad entry. I love that show though. Hope you're doin well.

Pat Bates