Mar 18, 2008


5 things everyone knows about me:
1. I abreev and/or add sies to most words.
2. I can't swim, therefore I don't like anything to do in the water.
3. I rarely clean my plate.
4. I have a nice ass.
5. I am a terrible speller.

5 things few people know about me:
1. I can't stand it when people put any type of cotton or really any kind of material in their mouth. It makes my teeth hurt.
2. I've never smoked a cigarette. Nope not even one.
3. Toilet paper commercials completely gross me out.
4. I unintentionally take the longest route possible to get places.
5. I am extremely self conscious about my legs.

5 things most people don't know about me:
1. I am afraid of reading aloud in front of people.
2. I am exceptionally talented at hovering over a toilet.
3. I have to sleep with a glass of water next to me ... you know, just in case.
4. I tend to judge people solely on their smile. Bad smile, they don't stand a chance.
5. I slept with my Cabbage Patch kid, Angelina, until I was in high school.


jess peregoy said...

i don't know if you know about this, but if you didn't, you need to.
hope you have a great day!

Jordo said...

oh girl, i'm on top of it, i am a bit obsessed with it.
can i just be her? that would be great.
thanks for thinking of me!