Apr 28, 2008

D.C. to the Max

Last Monday I returned from Washington D.C. where I saw one of my favorite faces on the planet, Miss LeAnn Russell. She moved up there in January and since she day she left I have missed her desperately.

I was only in D.C. for a few days, but let me just tell you I loved it. Maybe it was because LeAnn lives on G Street, or the fact that there are cute boys in suits walking everywhere, or perhaps that you can do tons of shit for FREE, or all of the Asians all over the place, whatever it is I think I found yet another reason to move to the East Coast.

My love for Asians was born in D.C. Matching bucket hats? Too cute for words.
Asians and matching bucket hats

Also a new hobby of taking pictures of other people's children. Creepy? I think so. Who cares.
Other people's kids that were cute

Here is a list of fun things KLR and I did in our short time together:
-Ate delicious Mexican food, minus queso -- seriously who doesn't serve queso?

-Got tips and sang/danced our hearts out to 80s and 90s songs. I've blessed the rains down in AAAAAAFFFFRRRRIIIIICCCCAAAAAA!
Dancing by the fireplace

-Saw the dino bones.
T-REX and JordoWooley Mammoth + LeAnn = Friends for Life

-Almost got trampled over by Anti-Nazis.

-Learned the fine art of asking strangers to take our picture.

-Witnessed a proposal .... and lingered a little longer than appropriate.
Wedding proposal in front of the White House

-Had a photo session with tulips.
Obsessed with DC tulipsLovesit

-Fell in love with Abraham Lincoln.
Me + Lincoln = Forever

-Got a little emotional at all the memorials, exhibits, wedding proposals.

-Hung out on/near the Capitol steps at night.
Capitol at night

-Made up facts about D.C./Asian gardens.

-Discovered the best museum on the planet. It's called the Newseum and you should go to it before you die.
Me and S'port Times at the Newseum

You can check out more pics here.

I can't wait to go back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm quite certain this was the best blog ever. come back!