He doesn't like to do dishes.
He won't go in public in gym shorts, and doesn't think it's "appropriate" if I go to Wal-Mart in pj pants -- even if it's ONLY to pick up ONE THING.
He's very good at finances and budgeting.
He doesn't make the bed.
He always likes to hold my hand.
He will rub my feet anytime I ask him.
He doesn't mind when I don't shave my legs.
He's unexpectedly has a lot in common with my dad.
He likes to eat shrimp tails.
He has the absolute cutest smirk.
He talks to pets like they are human being.
He's not exactly open about his feelings.
He has the best 5 o'clock shadow.
He likes the most disgusting horror movies ever created.
He likes to drive on road trips and when I'm fed up with crazy Shreveport drivers.
He's almost as stubborn as I am.
Have I mentioned that he doesn't like to do the dishes?
And he makes me laugh all the time.