Dec 27, 2010

Carb Fest 2010

I've made an executive decision. I'm seriously going on a diet. South Beach to be exact. My dad went on this diet a few years ago. He lost about 50 lbs. He's gone back on it in full force over the holidays and has lost 8 lbs in 6 or so days.

Starting Jan. 1, 2011 I will give up carbs, sugar, alcohol, potatoes, etc. for a good while. I stepped on several scales recently and it wasn't a pretty number.

In addition to this diet, I will return to spinning and the treadmill and perhaps some weights.

In the mean time I plan on loading up on carbs, sugar, and alcohol. Herby K's, momma's gumbo and potato salad, and my final meal of the year at Chianti's.


Dec 3, 2010


I'm about to embarrass my adorable boyfriend like a mom embarrasses her 12 year old daughter by asking (loudly) what kind of feminine product she needs? The super ones, honey ... because of your HEAVY FLOW?

Anyway, back on point. Let me set the scene. I was laying in bed covered in puppies. Aaron lingering lingering lingering the bedroom on his way to the bathroom before getting ready for bed. He turns on Florence and the Machine and starts clapping along, then playing air guitar, then he goes into full on Glee mode. He starts doing this hand extension across his chest while bending his knee. He claims this move as the signature Glee move. With a super smile on his face. Then he goes into Finn mode by claiming he is in high school, he plays football and likes to sing. WHY IS LIFE SO DIFFICULT?!? Then proceeds with the signature Glee move and into another made up dance move where he snaps with some kind of high kick. Guys, I don't know what was going on in my bedroom. But I know I want more of it. Every night.

He's my favorite. Forever.