Aug 25, 2013

First Trimester Blues

About a week after I found out I was pregnant, I started having every single pregnancy symptom. Y'all, it was miserable. I was miserable. Everyone around me was miserable.

I was nauseous all the time. I was so tired I could barely make it through the day. I didn't want to eat anything. I didn't want to smell anything. I was bloated. I had tummy issues. My boobs hurt constantly. I was terrified something was going to happen to that little babe, and I would blame myself entirely. I had a bad attitude about it all. I didn't have the energy to be excited about being pregnant. I was barely holding it together as each hour passed by. 

Thankfully I got through those first 12 weeks because I have the most amazing husband in the entire world. He was excited for the both of us about having a baby. He understood that I couldn't step foot in the kitchen, therefore I couldn't make dinner for the foreseeable future. He worked 11 hour days, but still came home with a good attitude and took care of me. 

Then one day that magical second trimester happened. Now I have a baby bump to wear as my badge of honor. I wear it proudly because I am so thrilled to be a mom, and quite frankly, I am so damn excited to have made it to this point. 

Here's to all those first trimester mommies. It takes everything in you to help grow and nourish that tiny baby. You can't tell the world you are pregnant, and each and every day you wake up paranoid that something is going to happen to that tiny little bean. It's a tough start, but you can do it! 

Aug 18, 2013

Better Late Than Never

So, we have this to share ... 

At the end of May I went in for my annual lady business appointment. I did the usual. Pee in a cup, put on the lovely paper gown and sat on the exam table for Dr. Gomez to see me. As I waited, I couldn't help but stare at the cup of urine sitting on the counter and the pregnancy test strip sitting right next to it. I didn't dare move to see what the test said because I would just assume it was negative. It wasn't like Aaron and I were actively trying to have a baby, and I was scheduled to start my period the next day. 

Dr. Gomez came in and we talked about when I wanted to start a family while the nurse Jo stood over the counter. As Dr. Gomez and I moved on to starting a family to how to handle my unpredictable periods, Jo suddenly raised her arm, looked at both of us and said "YOU ARE PREGNANT!"

I sat there naked expect for the paper covering me and started to shake and cry and suddenly the room was spinning. Jo and Dr. Gomez came over and hugged me. I couldn't stop shaking. 

I couldn't stop shaking as I went to see an afternoon movie with Jess (I shared the news before the movie started because I was certain she could just tell by looking at me that something was up). I I couldn't stop shaking when I came home and told Aaron that our family of two was about to expand to three. 

Aaron's response was "we can do this" while all I could think was "HOLY SHIT THIS IS NOT IN THE PLAN RIGHT NOW."

It's been quite a summer dealing with the first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester. I was sick as a dog for those first 12 weeks. I couldn't eat, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I thought for certain I would never make it. 

But now that my tummy is looking more like a pregnant belly and less like a beer gut and the morning/all day sickness has subsided, I can say that I feel more and more ready to be a mom as each day goes by. 

I can't wait to meet this little one. As I lie in bed at night I try to imagine what Baby Bear Harris will look like, what kind of personality he/she will have, and prepare myself for the big world of motherhood. 

Here's to five more months!