Jan 3, 2007


This story just amazed me today. Would you jump in front of a subway car to save a complete stranger, put your life in danger in front of your two children? Would you? Frankly, I am not sure if I would. I wish I could say, yes, I would risk my life to save a stranger. Isn't that what we are called to do? So, why don't we? What I know right now is that I am elated that there are people in this world like Wesley Autrey.

The real amazing thing about this story is that Autrey doesn't think that he did anything heroic. According to the New York Times he said, “I don’t feel like I did something spectacular; I just saw someone who needed help. I did what I felt was right.”

I believe we can all learn something from Wesley Autrey, and I hope we will never forget it.

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