May 2, 2007


I have this pencil. This purple perfect pencil. Everything about it is perfect. The way is writes. The weight. The way it erases. Everything. I have had it since my first day. There are only like 5 of them left in the office, and wherever we get them from discontinued making them. I have two, but the other is orange, and we don't have the history.

So, my boss comes in my office the other day to discuss something. She needs a pencil. She uses my purple perfect pencil. We continue talking. She almost hands it to me then we get on a different tangent. She walks out of my office. With. My. Pencil.

Goodbye perfect purple pencil. I will never see you again. I mean, really, what am I supposed to do? Excuse me, can I have my pencil back? I don't think so. I walk by her office and see it sitting on her desk. I wish I could steal it away. I can't. That would be weird. B'bye pencil.

About an hour later ....

I walk past her office.
"Jordan, I think I took your pencil."

And I do a little dance down the hallway holding my perfect purple pencil tightly.

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