Jun 24, 2007

Story of my life.

You know that dream you have where you are naked and you run into your ex-boyfriend for the first time since breaking up and he is with a girl you are less than fond of as well as his friend who never really liked you anyway at a concert the two of you were supposed to see together and after you talk to him you turn around and fall on your ass?

Yeah, that dream became a reality Friday night -- except I wasn't naked. So, I guess that's a plus.

I just picked myself up from the fall and walked away. I really think it is a metaphor of the past two months of my life.

It would only happen to me, and that is what's so great about my life.

1 comment:

jess peregoy said...

wait! i have to hear this story. have to.
but, i love the way you handled it. it is the marshall way.