Jun 29, 2010

iMovie Virgin

Let me just tell you about this thing called iMovie. I am sure anyone with a Mac knows about it, and even those without one probably know a thing or two. You can make slideshows to MUSIC!! I know, I know, I am so behind the times. Welcome to 2010 Jordo. Anywho, I stumbled upon it and this is how I popped my cherry.

I am sure we all remember my Portland/Seattle trip. Now it has come to life with The Decembersits as the soundtrack. I'm not sure why I chose this song. Maybe because The Decemberists are from the Pac Northwest, or because he talks about making a home on the water, or probably because there were not many options to choose from on this particular computer at the moment. But I just love this song, and I just hope the song isn't about having a terrible vacation.

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