Oct 9, 2007

No one ever tells James Bond which way to go.

I am at home at 4:45 watching Notting Hill. I love it. I miss afternoons to myself. I can get so much done. Like blogging, watching TV, snacks, going to the dr. only to have them reschedule because she has to deliver a baby (by all means don't let me stop you from bringing a human being into the world), getting the hanging down plastic thing on my car fixed. See? Lots of stuff I can get done.

I really do miss being in college. Naps, no worries, being surrounded by friends, grilled stuffed burrito nights, front porches, staying up late, Japanese food trips. Yep, I miss it. But I am starting to like this life.

Today was my one year anniversary at work. I celebrated it by taking the afternoon off for a half day sick day. One year. Already? Geez. Sometimes I feel like I finally have some sort of grasp on my job, and some days I feel as lost as I did one year ago.

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