Oct 7, 2007


-If you haven't watching the new ABC show "Pushing Daisies," then go to abc.com and watch it online. It's amazing. Very Big Fish-ish. The boy is cute, the girl is a Zoe Deschanel twin. And pies and raising people from the dead are involved. Amazing.

-Speaking of TV. I am loving the fall lineup. Grey's is coming back to its roots. Not quite there, yet, but it's on it's way. Desperate Housewives is looking like it's going to be a good season. And Boston Legal. How much do I love Boston Legal? AMILLION! That's how much. Seriously, go rent all of the seasons, or just start watching this one. You will fall in love. It takes place in Boston, William Shatner is in it, AND AND a cute British girl is the new lawyer. She rocks my world. And then there are the old stand bys ... ANTM, LA Ink, Ugly Betty, and you know my thoughts on Dancing with the Stars.

-My mom was home this weekend. It was a much needed visit. We just hung out and cooked the entire time. Oh, and watched Dancing with the Stars. Apparently, we can't get enough. I will be sad to see her go tomorrow. But it'll be ok.

-I'm about ready for the holidays. Or at least some cooler weather. Target has some pretty cute jackets, and I want to be all up on it. Come on fall breeze, where are you?

-I have a slight, ok not so slight, obsession with social networks. OBSESSED. I can't stop. I need to take control over it. I don't know what it is about facebook and myspace. I just constantly check it. I'm going to work on it.

-I need some new good reads. Any ideas? I want like good meaty reading material. Something to feed my mind.

-I'm ready for my life to be settled. I haven't been settled in about a year. Things will look like they are settling, and then bam it gets all stirred back up again. Just ready for something stable. It's coming soon. I'm excited about it.

-My grandmother is absolutely fabulous. I love her so, so much.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn. Do it. Now.