Jul 3, 2009


I need to start writing some more. A friend from college emailed me the other day and asked me if I still did any writing. My response was if you count my twitter updates ... lame.

I always think in order to write something on here it needs to be entertaining to THE MASSES THAT READ IT. Therefore I will quit writing mid post. Now, I'm going to just write just for me. Blah, see this is boring. But I'm writing.

And nothing gets me in the mood for writing than making a list of things that make me happy.

Criminal Minds.
Lite and Fit Yogurt.
Morning cuddles.
Margot Tenenbaum Marshall Harris.
Reading about pregnancy/labor/parenting even though I do not have a case of baby fever and don't plan on having kids for at least half a decade.
Quoting Twilight.
When my bed is made.
Proposal stories.
Status updates.
Fresh tomatoes.

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